
About us.

Building the Springboard wants to provide to knowledge foundation in order to create the best possible future for humanity. We do that by presenting leading questions and thoughts related to different fields, necessary to the foundation for building a better future. The goal is, with time, the information presented here will enable readers to build their springboard, launching them into a better future for themselves and for all of us.

Subject areas

In “Building the Springboard”, we recognise the necessity of understanding multiple areas of science and expertise. Like university, we are split into the following categories, that you can also see in the ribbon:



Business is often a key vehicle in transformation and innovation, and in order to facilitate this innovation, the business section provides you with insights related to innovation.


Social sciences

Social sciences help us understand how society work and the working of larger social constructions. The economy, politics and larger cultural movement are studied in this area.


Natural sciences

Understanding natural sciences has been fundamental in ensuring our modern day living standard and scientific advances are likely to define the life quality available to us.



What is the point of living a long, prosperous healthy life if not to stay human? This section studies everything that makes our specifies unique: our need to create art, our thoughts, our feelings, our ethics. Without humanities, we have no reason to be here.